Let’s Make a Change! Vote for Mirita Saxberg in Parliamentary Elections 2.4.2023

Mirita Saxberg Parliamentary Elections2023 Candidate National Coalition Party Helsinki

Politics exists for us ordinary people. I am worried about the state of our country. That is why I am standing as a candidate in Finnish Parliamentary Elections 2023.

Join me and use your vote in Helsinki

I am a single mom of two, private entrepreneur in marketing communications and a tough guy with passion to make a change. I have worked hard since I was a teenager and launced my own business almost 20 years ago.

Right now I am Helsinki City Councillor with 10 years experience in politics, five years of which are in Parliament of Finland. I am a passionate social influencer with positive mindset. I tend to make things happen efficiently. I operate in different boards of directors in private, public and third sectors – the main focus remaining in entrepreneurship, business, children and education.

I hold a university Masters degree in Administrative Sciences and am a Vocational Teacher as well as PhD student in Economics. My educational bases are in International Business as well as in studies in Intercultural Communications.

As a mom it is easy to know what it takes to run day-to-day life

Why Should I Vote?

Simply put – this is your opportunity to stand out and make a statement. The most important national level decisions are made in the Pariament of Finland. The Parliament also supervises the governments operations. The elections take place every fourth year. Make sure that your candidate is a person you can stay in touch also between the elections. In assumption, of course, that your purpose is to influence to the decisions that define your possibilites and, that have impact to your daily life.

What Do We Stand For?

I find it responsible to prioritize children and early education. I will add resources in schooling and education, research and development as well as in entrepreneurship.

Public economy is durable when work and business pays better off. Competitive and healthy society can afford to help people who need support.

Everyday life works when we pay less taxes from our salary paycheck, healthcare is more accessible, safety quaranteed and transportation serves everyone. Basic services has to be organized in joint with public and private sector. More about my politics here (in Finnsh – now is a good moment to learn the language!)

You can reach me by phone or mail or social media and ask more! I am also interested in knowing your opinions and suggestions regarding the political agenda.

Can I Vote in Elections?

You may vote in the parliamentary elections if:

  1. You are a Finnish citizen
  2. You have reached the age of 18 latest at the election day
  3. More information about elections and voting in Finland can be found here.
Let’s fix everything together! Use your vote in parliamentary elections.

Kind Regards Mirita Saxberg, National Coalition Party